Politica sulla riservatezza

Fino a -35%

This document, referred to as the Privacy Statement, furnishes information concerning the collection of your personal data in connection with the R-tg.com website and its affiliated mobile sites and applications linked to R-tg. It delineates the handling of such data and the entities with which it could be shared. This notification also expounds upon your entitlements under pertinent data protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), regarding our management of your data.

The operations of R-tg and its associated applications are managed by R-tg Technologies, with its official address situated at Trineu 1-4-B, Sola del Tarter, El Tarter, Canillo, Andorra. The operator of the booking engine or Platform is ETrawler ("ETrawler"), located at Classon House, Dundrum Business Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14, Ireland, and thereby assumes the role of the controller for the personal data expounded upon in this data protection notice.

We introduce you to ETrawler with the intention of facilitating vehicle rental and interconnected travel products and services ("Services"). Should you wish to directly communicate with ETrawler, the provided link can be employed. Alternatively, if you possess inquiries about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us via email at support@r-tg.com. In most scenarios detailed below, our company does not oversee your personal data since we do not manage the booking engine or the Platform. Consequently, we do not gather your personal data through these avenues; however, this is within the purview of ETrawler. You can access ETrawler's Privacy Statement through the following link: https://www.cartrawler.com/ct/privacy-policy/.

Personal Data Processing

To facilitate the processing of your reservation for any of the services mentioned above, we will ask you for specific details. These might encompass your name, address, email address, payment particulars, and booking specifics. ETrawler necessitates this data to enable the provision of Services. Furthermore, information will be gleaned from the device you utilize to access our website, encompassing your IP address, browser specifics, and device type. Apart from the information gathered through our website, we sporadically receive data assembled on our or ETrawler's behalf by third parties. An instance of this occurs when you come across an R-tg advertisement on a third-party platform.

The bulk of the personal data amassed pertaining to you is volunteered willingly. This encompasses the ensuing categories:

  • Queries and Complaints: In case you reach out to the customer service team with an inquiry or grievance, the particulars of the matter and its resolution will be documented. Further details concerning the inquiry or complaint might be solicited from the applicable transportation or service provider, which could also be noted.
  • Insurance Policy: If you secure an insurance policy through one of ETrawler's insurance collaborators, we will collect your name, address, email address, phone number, booking reference, IP address, and payment data. This is to facilitate the acquisition of your insurance policy.
  • Other Additional Products and Services: When you book or purchase any supplementary service, we will request the information essential to process your request. This entails your name, address, email address, phone number, booking reference, IP address, and payment particulars.
  • Location Information: Should you use our booking services on a mobile device and enable location services, your whereabouts will be logged to aid in locating local transportation or other services. Your IP address will be utilized to determine your country during the booking.
  • Loyalty Program Data: If you become part of the loyalty program, we will store details such as your name, email address, phone number, birthdate, username, password, and historical booking references.
  • Email Marketing: Your email address and your preferences concerning the receipt of marketing emails related to our products and services, as well as those of third parties, will be stored.
  • Surveys: In the event of your participation in a survey, your responses along with your name and email address will be recorded.

Personal information that is being collected automatically:

During your utilization of our website services and the available booking engine, a range of technologies is employed to automatically gather insights about your device and how you engage with the booking engine. This data encompasses:

  • Device Specifics: Information about your device, including its IP address, device ID, browser type, and operating system, is automatically collected.
  • Interaction with Website and Booking Engine: Details regarding your interactions, such as visitation date and time, viewed pages, duration of page stays, clicked page elements, as well as any encountered crashes or system errors, are automatically captured.
  • Website and Booking Engine Access: When feasible, the means by which you reached our website and accessed the booking engine are logged (e.g., whether through a search engine or by clicking on our advertisements).

Origins of Personal Data

While the primary source of information is direct from you, there are instances in which data is acquired from third-party origins. These instances encompass:

  • Third Parties: To facilitate advertising, a program is employed where third parties advertise our website on our behalf. If you click on such ads and reach ETrawler's Platform, technology is used to ascertain which third party referred you. Subsequently, tracking is implemented, and if you proceed to make a booking, the relevant third party is attributed with the booking for commission purposes. However, the third party does not receive any personal data related to you.
  • Service Providers: If service-related issues arise, service providers might contact us or ETrawler with pertinent information.
  • Advertisements: In collaborative efforts with third parties for advertising, technologies like cookies or pixel tags might be employed to record your interactions with those ads. Such data could be gathered through cookies and pixel tags set on our behalf by these third parties. If data is collected, it is anonymized.

Processing Objectives and Legal Grounds

The primary objective of utilizing your personal data is to process car rental and supplementary services bookings, as well as to manage any inquiries or concerns tied to these bookings. Furthermore, your personal data might serve other purposes, such as customizing advertisements and marketing emails to align with your preferences and monitoring your use of the Platform to enhance its functionality and presentation.

The following are further details of the processing and the legal basis which justifies this processing:

  • Abandonment E-mails and Phone Calls: Your personal information might be processed to reach out and ascertain if you encountered any difficulties while attempting to make a booking. This action is driven by our legitimate interest in upholding excellent customer service and ensuring the Platform's smooth functioning.
  • Bookings: Your personal data is utilized to process reservations with service providers and enable you to manage these bookings via the Platform. For this purpose, ETrawler processes your personal data based on the necessity of contract performance or its legitimate interest in delivering the booking service.
  • Insurance Policy / Other Ancillary Product or Service: If you obtain an insurance policy through one of ETrawler's insurance partners in relation to your reservation or book other supplementary services, your information is processed to facilitate these services. ETrawler or its service provider processes your data for this purpose, based on the necessity of contract performance or their legitimate interest in offering you the respective service.
  • Queries and Complaints: When you present queries or complaints about a booking or any other ancillary service, your personal data is processed to address your concerns. This processing is rooted in our legitimate interest in resolving customer inquiries and complaints. If you voluntarily provide health-related data, processing is based on your explicit consent to address your query or complaint.
  • Loyalty Programme: In cases where a loyalty program is in place, your personal data is used for program administration, point adjustments, and notifying you of loyalty rewards. This data processing is grounded in the necessity of contract performance.
  • Email Marketing: If your email address is collected during service provision, marketing emails might be sent based on your expressed preferences. Such emails are sent under the legitimate interest in promoting our products and services.
  • Providing and Improving the Services: Data related to your Platform and Services usage, including device specifics and interaction patterns, is used to deliver services, customize your experience, and enhance features. This data also aids in testing and evaluating new features and analyzing Platform usage. Such processing aligns with the legitimate interest in operating, enhancing, and securing the Services.
  • Analysis/Reporting: Data concerning bookings contributes to internal reports on the operation of the booking business and other commercial analyses. Aggregated data aids in predicting future business trends. These analyses are conducted on a non-identifiable basis.
  • Advertising: To ensure relevant R-tg advertisements aligned with your interests, this information is used for tailored advertising on our Platform, marketing emails, and third-party sites. Your searches on the Platform personalize these adverts.
  • Surveys: Should you opt to participate in a survey, your data is processed based on your consent.
  • Abandonment E-mails and Phone Calls: Your personal information might be processed to reach out and ascertain if you encountered any difficulties while attempting to make a booking. This action is driven by our legitimate interest in upholding excellent customer service and ensuring the Platform's smooth functioning.
  • Bookings: Your personal data is utilized to process reservations with service providers and enable you to manage these bookings via the Platform. For this purpose, ETrawler processes your personal data based on the necessity of contract performance or its legitimate interest in delivering the booking service.
  • Insurance Policy / Other Ancillary Product or Service: If you obtain an insurance policy through one of ETrawler's insurance partners in relation to your reservation or book other supplementary services, your information is processed to facilitate these services. ETrawler or its service provider processes your data for this purpose, based on the necessity of contract performance or their legitimate interest in offering you the respective service.
  • Queries and Complaints: When you present queries or complaints about a booking or any other ancillary service, your personal data is processed to address your concerns. This processing is rooted in our legitimate interest in resolving customer inquiries and complaints. If you voluntarily provide health-related data, processing is based on your explicit consent to address your query or complaint.
  • Loyalty Programme: In cases where a loyalty program is in place, your personal data is used for program administration, point adjustments, and notifying you of loyalty rewards. This data processing is grounded in the necessity of contract performance.
  • Email Marketing: If your email address is collected during service provision, marketing emails might be sent based on your expressed preferences. Such emails are sent under the legitimate interest in promoting our products and services.
  • Providing and Improving the Services: Data related to your Platform and Services usage, including device specifics and interaction patterns, is used to deliver services, customize your experience, and enhance features. This data also aids in testing and evaluating new features and analyzing Platform usage. Such processing aligns with the legitimate interest in operating, enhancing, and securing the Services.
  • Analysis/Reporting: Data concerning bookings contributes to internal reports on the operation of the booking business and other commercial analyses. Aggregated data aids in predicting future business trends. These analyses are conducted on a non-identifiable basis.
  • Advertising: To ensure relevant R-tg advertisements aligned with your interests, this information is used for tailored advertising on our Platform, marketing emails, and third-party sites. Your searches on the Platform personalize these adverts.
  • Surveys: Should you opt to participate in a survey, your data is processed based on your consent.

Required Personal Data

You are not under any obligation to provide your personal data. However, if you intend to make a booking or access an ancillary service, you must furnish the information requested by the booking engine. Failure to provide this information will result in the inability to process your booking. Similarly, you might need to supply specific details when contacting the customer services team with a query or complaint. You will be notified whenever such information is necessary.

Recipients of Data

For the processing of your booking, your details are shared with the relevant service provider. In instances where you communicate with us regarding a query or complaint about a booking, details of the inquiry or complaint might be shared with the service provider to facilitate resolution.

In the event of purchasing another service, your personal data could be shared with a third-party service provider to ensure the provision of that service. Likewise, if you submit an insurance claim, your personal data might be disclosed to the underwriter or designated claims handler.

As part of online advertising programs, your personal data might be shared with third parties. These parties would combine it with their existing data about you to tailor advertisements on third-party websites. Whenever such data sharing occurs, encryption or other security measures are employed.

Several service providers collaborate to facilitate the Services, and some may access your data (e.g., various software service providers who host data as part of their services). Whenever third parties are engaged to process your data, specific protocols are followed to ensure they uphold your privacy rights and adhere to data protection laws. Here are further details:

  • Hosting Providers: Diverse cloud service and co-location providers contribute to hosting and data management.
  • Payment Processors: ETrawler employs third-party payment processors to assist with payments on the Platform.
  • Technology Providers: This category includes service providers who offer network, system, and email security services.
  • Customer Service Providers: External service providers assist in offering customer service outside standard working hours.
  • Auditors: ETrawler engages both internal and external auditors from third parties to ensure compliance with legal obligations, including those concerning personal data processing.

Transfers Outside the EU

Certain circumstances might necessitate the transfer of your personal data outside the European Union to a jurisdiction not recognized by the European Commission as providing equivalent personal data protection. This often occurs when personal data is shared with service providers for booking fulfillment or when utilizing service providers based in other jurisdictions. When such transfers happen, appropriate safeguards are put in place to protect your personal data and comply with applicable data protection laws. These safeguards might include contracts approved by the European Commission with the receiving entity or ensuring the receiving company adheres to approved transfer mechanisms like the EU-US Privacy Shield framework.


Your personal data is retained in accordance with the record retention policy. The record retention policy operates on the principle that your personal data is kept for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is collected, and in accordance with any requirements that are imposed on us by law. This means that the retention period for your personal data will vary depending on the type of personal data.


The Platform uses cookies. Cookies are small, simple text files that are sent from a website and stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit a website. Information related to your visit of a website is recorded in these cookies.

Other websites

The Platform or the website may contain links to other websites or you may have arrived here via a link from another website. This Privacy Statement only applies to the Platform and the services introduced by R-tg in connection with the Platform. When you link to other websites you should read their own privacy statements.

Important Information about Consent: In circumstances where your personal data is processed on the basis of your consent, you are free to withdraw that consent at any time. You can withdraw your consent by contacting us using the contact details at the bottom of this statement. If your consent relates to receiving email marketing you can use the unsubscribe link in the email. Please note that if you withdraw your consent we may not be able to continue to provide the related service to you.

Your Rights

You have the following rights, in certain circumstances, in relation to your personal data:

- Right to access the data - You have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you, together with other information about our processing of that personal data.

- Right to rectification - You have the right to request that any inaccurate data that is held about you is corrected, or if we have incomplete information you may request that we update the information such that it is complete.

- Right to erasure - You have the right to request us to delete personal data that we hold about you. This is sometimes referred to as the right to be forgotten.

- Right to restriction of processing or to object to processing - You have the right to request that we no longer process your personal data for particular purposes, or to object to our processing of your personal data for particular purposes.

- Right to data portability - You have the right to request us to provide you, or a third party, with a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used machine readable format.

In order to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us at using the contact details at the bottom of this statement.

Changes to the Privacy Statement

We keep our privacy statement under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page.

Questions and Complaints

If you have any queries or complaints in connection with our processing of your personal data, you can get in touch with us using the following contact details:

email: support@R-tg.com

Cookies policy


Cookies are minuscule text files that get stored on your computer each time you visit specific web pages. We utilize cookies to track the car you're booking and to recognize you upon your return to our site.

To successfully book a car on our website, it's imperative to have cookies enabled—refer to the "Managing cookies" section. If you opt not to enable cookies, you can still explore and utilize the site for research purposes. Most web browsers come with cookies enabled, but if needed, consult the "Managing Cookies" section for guidance on enabling them.

Rest assured that cookies pose no harm to your computer. The cookies we create don't retain personally identifiable data like credit card details. However, they do provide encrypted insights that aid in enhancing user experiences on the site—for instance, identifying and rectifying errors.

We furnish you with this information as part of our commitment to adhere to recent legislation and to maintain transparency and clarity regarding your privacy while using our website.



Our website employs cookies to distinguish you from other users, facilitating an enhanced browsing experience and enabling us to enhance our site.

A cookie is a compact file comprising letters and numbers that we store on your browser or computer hard drive, contingent on your consent. Cookies contain information transferred to your computer's hard drive.

Below is a list of our primary cookies and their functions. Information about third-party cookies is found in the subsequent section.

Non-essential cookies are set to expire after 30 days.


When visiting R-tg, you might encounter cookies not directly associated with R-tg. Embedded content, like from YouTube, may dispatch cookies from these external websites. We lack control over these cookie settings. We recommend checking third-party websites for more details on their cookies and management.

Certain third-party cookies we employ are categorized as "analytical" cookies. They enable us to count visitors, observe their site navigation, and enhance site functionality. This aids in ensuring users can readily find what they seek. Further insights about individual cookies and their purposes are detailed in the table below.

Third-party cookies linked to targeted advertising are also configured during your site visit. Refer to the "Banner Advertising" section for more insights.

You can prevent cookies by adjusting your browser settings to decline all or some cookies. However, blocking all cookies (including essential ones) via browser settings might limit your access to parts of our site.


If you have not enabled cookies in your browser settings, your browsing experience will be limited to exploration and research, preventing you from making purchases.

To enable cookies:

If you are uncertain about your web browser's type and version:

For PCs: Click on 'Help' at the top of your browser window and choose the 'About' option.

For Macs: With the browser window open, click on the Apple menu and select 'About.'

How to verify if cookies are enabled for PCs:

  • Google Chrome:
  1. Click 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and then choose 'Options.'
  2. Access the 'Under the Hood' tab, locate the 'Privacy' section, and select the 'Content settings' button.
  3. Now, opt for 'Allow local data to be set.'
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0:
  1. Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet options,' then go to the 'Privacy' tab.
  2. Ensure your Privacy level is set to Medium or below to enable cookies; settings above Medium will disable them.
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  1. Click 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Options.'
  2. Click the Privacy icon.
  3. Choose 'Cookies' and then select 'allow sites to set cookies.'
  • Safari:
  1. Click on the Cog icon at the top of your browser window and choose 'Preferences.'
  2. Click 'Security' and activate the option 'Block third-party and advertising cookies.'
  3. Click 'Save.'
  • Opera:
  1. Click 'Menu' at the top of your browser window and select 'Settings.'
  2. Then choose 'Preferences' and the 'Advanced' tab.
  3. Activate the 'Accept cookies' option.
  • Safari on OSX:
  1. Click 'Safari' at the top of your browser window and select 'Preferences.'
  2. Click 'Security' and 'Accept cookies.'
  3. Choose 'Only from site you navigate to.'
  • All other browsers:

Please consult your documentation or online help files for guidance.

Additional information about cookies:

To gain a deeper understanding of cookies and how to manage them, visit www.aboutcookies.org (opens in a new window - please note that we cannot assume responsibility for the content of external websites).


The objective of this advertising approach is to present you with a selection of products aligned with your browsing activity on our website when you visit other chosen websites. These ads might showcase offers relevant to your browsing history, powered by cookie technology.


Rest assured, the data contained in cookies used within these ads is entirely anonymous and devoid of any personal details.