Dakar Car Rental

Dakar Car Rental Up to -35%

Comparing Car Rental Prices by Model in Dakar

Affordable Car Rental Options in Dakar - How to Save on Your Rental

When visiting Dakar, the vibrant capital city of Senegal, having a reliable and affordable mode of transportation is essential to fully explore all that the city has to offer. While public transportation can be an option, renting a car provides the freedom and flexibility to discover the city at your own pace. However, car rental costs can quickly add up if you're not careful. Here are some tips on how to find affordable car rental options in Dakar while saving on your rental.

Compare Prices

One of the most effective ways to save on your car rental in Dakar is by comparing prices. Different car rental companies may offer varying rates, so it's important to shop around and compare prices from multiple providers. Use online travel websites, like Expedia or Kayak, to easily compare rates from different companies and find the best deal. Be sure to read the terms and conditions, including any additional fees or restrictions, when making your comparison.

Book in Advance

Booking your car rental in advance can often lead to significant savings. As the demand for rental cars increases closer to your travel dates, prices tend to rise. By booking in advance, you can take advantage of lower rates and have a greater selection of cars to choose from. Additionally, many car rental companies offer early booking discounts or promotional offers, so keep an eye out for any special deals when making your reservation.

Consider Off-Airport Locations

Renting a car from an off-airport location in Dakar can often be a more affordable option than renting directly from the airport. Airport rental locations often have higher rates due to additional fees and surcharges. Consider renting from a location within the city or near your accommodation to potentially save on costs. Keep in mind that transportation to and from the rental location may be required, so factor in these additional expenses when making your decision.

Choose the Right Vehicle

Choosing the right vehicle can also contribute to saving on your car rental in Dakar. If you're traveling alone or with a small group, opt for a compact car or economy car, which tend to have lower rental rates and better fuel efficiency. Avoid renting large luxury vehicles or SUVs unless necessary, as they typically come with higher rental costs and increased fuel consumption.

Be Mindful of Additional Costs

When renting a car in Dakar, it's essential to be aware of any additional costs that may be incurred. Some rental companies may charge extra fees for items such as GPS navigation systems, additional drivers, or insurance coverage. Carefully review the rental agreement and discuss any additional costs with the rental company to ensure you're only paying for the services you truly need.

Return the Car with a Full Tank

One common mistake that can lead to unnecessary expenses is returning the rental car without refilling the fuel tank. Many rental companies charge significantly higher rates for refueling the car on your behalf. To avoid this additional cost, simply fill up the tank before returning the vehicle. Gas stations are readily available in Dakar, making it convenient to top up the tank before drop-off.

Affordable Car Rental Options in Dakar - How to Save on Your Rental

Electric Car Rental Options in Dakar

Electric and Hybrid Car Rentals in Dakar - Embracing Sustainable Transportation

The city of Dakar, capital of Senegal, is known for its vibrant culture, beautiful beaches, and bustling markets. However, like many cities around the world, Dakar also faces challenges related to air pollution and traffic congestion. In recent years, the concept of sustainable transportation has gained traction, and one of the emerging solutions is the introduction of electric and hybrid car rentals in Dakar.

Benefits of Electric and Hybrid Cars

Electric and hybrid cars are gaining popularity due to their numerous benefits. These vehicles are powered by electricity, which significantly reduces or eliminates harmful emissions that contribute to air pollution. By opting for electric or hybrid cars, individuals can actively contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and improving air quality in Dakar.

Furthermore, electric and hybrid cars are energy-efficient, allowing drivers to travel longer distances on a single charge or tank of fuel compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. This energy efficiency not only reduces the overall fuel consumption but also helps in lowering transportation costs.

Availability of Electric and Hybrid Car Rentals

The growing demand for eco-friendly transportation alternatives has led to an increase in the availability of electric and hybrid car rentals in Dakar. Several rental companies now offer a range of electric and hybrid vehicles that can be rented for various periods, from a few hours to several days.

Renting an electric or hybrid vehicle not only provides individuals with an opportunity to experience the benefits of sustainable transportation but also allows them to explore the city and its surroundings conveniently.

Charging Infrastructure

An essential aspect of embracing electric and hybrid cars is the availability of a reliable charging infrastructure. Dakar has witnessed significant progress in this regard, with the installation of charging stations at various locations across the city.

These charging stations provide an opportunity for electric car owners to recharge their vehicles while enjoying the city's attractions. The growing network of charging infrastructure ensures that individuals can easily access the necessary resources to keep their electric or hybrid vehicles running smoothly.

Electric and Hybrid Car Rentals in Dakar - Embracing Sustainable Transportation

Our advantages

24/7 support
24/7 support
Feel free to contact us 24/7 for any assistance you need.
Free cancellation
Free cancellation
You can modify or cancel your reservation up to 48 hours prior to pick-up.
No extra fees
No extra fees
There are no additional charges for making reservations.

Where to go on a Road Trip from Dakar

Located on the westernmost point of the African continent, Dakar, the capital of Senegal, offers a great starting point for an adventurous road trip. With its vibrant culture, captivating landscapes, and rich history, there are plenty of exciting destinations to explore in the surrounding areas. If you're looking to embark on a memorable journey, here are some noteworthy places to consider on your road trip from Dakar.


Located approximately 260 kilometers north of Dakar, the picturesque town of Saint-Louis is an ideal first stop. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this former capital of Senegal is full of colonial charm. Take a stroll through the narrow streets lined with colorful colonial buildings or venture out on a traditional horse-drawn carriage for a unique tour of the historic landmarks. Don't miss a visit to the Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary, home to over three million migratory birds.

Pink Lake (Lac Rose)

Continuing your road trip from Dakar, head east to the Pink Lake, approximately 35 kilometers north of the capital. This unique natural wonder gets its name from the pink hue that blankets its waters caused by a specific type of algae. Take a dip in the briny waters and experience the extraordinary buoyancy that makes swimming in the Pink Lake a one-of-a-kind experience. Don't forget to capture the stunning panoramic views as the colors transform throughout the day.


For those seeking a serene and laid-back atmosphere, the village of Palmarin is a perfect destination. Located approximately 150 kilometers south of Dakar, this peaceful coastal town offers pristine beaches and breathtaking landscapes. Explore the lush mangroves by boat or enjoy a tranquil walk along the golden sands. If you're lucky, you may even spot some wildlife, from colorful birds to playful dolphins.


If you're up for a longer journey, consider heading south to explore the beautiful region of Casamance. Known for its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, Casamance offers a unique and immersive experience. From the bustling markets of Ziguinchor to the idyllic beaches of Cap Skirring, there's something for everyone here. Don't miss the opportunity to taste the delicious local cuisine, which often includes freshly caught seafood and exotic flavors.

Where to go on a Road Trip from Dakar

Top Tips for Budget-Friendly Car Rentals in Dakar

1. Book in Advance

Booking your car rental far in advance is a straightforward but highly effective strategy for saving money. This becomes even more crucial in areas that are tourist hotspots, where the demand for rental cars often surges during high travel seasons. Reserving early allows you to secure a more economical rate and guarantees the availability of your preferred vehicle type.

The Benefits of Early Reservations

In Dakar, several car rental agencies provide "early-bird" discounts to those who reserve their vehicles weeks or even months before their intended rental period. These special rates can result in substantial savings, sometimes reducing the cost by 20% to 30% compared to standard pricing. Early booking becomes exceptionally advantageous if you're traveling during high-demand seasons when prices are prone to inflate.

The Value of Being Flexible

Planning ahead not only saves you money but also offers the leeway to explore and compare rates among various providers. If you have flexible travel dates, you can align them with times when prices are more affordable, maximizing your savings even further.

R-TG.com: Your Ultimate Destination for Car Rental Deals

To find the most competitive rates, we recommend using our website, r-tg.com. The platform consolidates pricing information from multiple suppliers, offering you a comprehensive source for comparison. Our site often highlights exclusive early-bird discounts and other promotional deals you won't easily find elsewhere, making it a valuable tool for securing the most cost-effective car rental in Dakar.

2. Compare Multiple Suppliers

One of the most effective ways to save money on car rentals is to shop around and compare rates from multiple suppliers in Dakar. Not all rental agencies are created equal, and prices can vary significantly even for the same class of vehicle.

Why Comparison Matters

Suppose you're interested in renting a compact car, such as a Opel Astra. The first instinct might be to go with well-known suppliers like sixt or budget, but it's crucial to also consider lesser-known local agencies. These local suppliers might offer competitive rates to entice customers away from the bigger names.

Price Examples

For instance, a Opel Astra at sixt in Dakar might cost you €22 per day, including basic insurance. On the other hand, budget might offer the same model for €70 per day but with limited mileage. Upon further research, you might find a local agency offering the Opel Astra for just €14 per day with unlimited mileage.

By taking the time to compare rates from multiple suppliers, you can find the best deal that meets your specific needs. Whether you prioritize lower daily rates, better insurance coverage, or additional perks like free GPS, comparing suppliers can help you make the most budget-friendly choice.

3. Use Discount Codes

Utilizing discount codes can greatly lower your car rental expenses in Dakar, providing opportunities to either upgrade your car, extend your rental duration, or simply keep more money in your pocket. Far from being a tactic solely for bargain hunters, using promotional codes is a standard practice in the car rental field.

Variety of Discounts Available

A diverse range of discounts could be accessible to you. For example, AAA membership often comes with perks like reduced rates or a free extra driver. Special rates for military members and their families are also common. Certain credit cards might even qualify you for special discounts or additional insurance coverage. It's worth investigating which discounts you're eligible for, as they can accumulate and lead to considerable savings.

Sources for Discount Codes

You can locate discount codes through multiple channels, such as:

  1. The car rental company's official website
  2. Websites that specialize in travel deals
  3. Membership organizations like AAA
  4. Email newsletters
  5. Social media accounts of the rental companies, where special promotions may be posted

Important Notice

Although discount codes can yield substantial savings, they often come with particular terms, such as blackout dates or restrictions on car types. Always scrutinize the details to make sure the discount is applicable to your specific rental situation.

4. Skip the Prepaid Fuel Option

The prepaid fuel option may look like an appealing convenience at first glance. After all, who wants to scramble to find a gas station right before dropping off a rental car? However, this convenience often comes at a premium, and choosing to refuel the car yourself can result in significant savings.

How Prepaid Fuel Works

When you opt for the prepaid fuel option, you're essentially paying for a full tank of gas at the rates offered by the rental company. This rate often includes a markup, making it more expensive than what you'd pay at a local gas station. Moreover, if you don't use up the entire tank, you usually won't get a refund for the unused fuel, leading to even more wastage.

Plan Ahead

It's wise to plan your refueling strategy in advance. Look up local gas stations near your drop-off location, and check their rates using apps or websites. Some mobile apps even offer real-time gas price comparisons, allowing you to find the cheapest rates near you.

Consider Your Itinerary

If you're not planning to drive much during your rental period, you might end up returning the car with a nearly full tank, making the prepaid fuel option an even less economical choice. Always consider your driving itinerary and needs when making this decision.

Time Versus Money

While skipping the prepaid fuel option can save money, it may require extra time and planning on your part. Weigh the cost savings against the value of your time to determine if it's worth the effort.

In summary, while the prepaid fuel option offers convenience, it often does so at a higher price. By doing some quick math and planning your fuel stops, you can save money and ensure you're getting the best deal on your car rental.

5. Opt for Economy Cars

Choosing an economy car over a larger, luxury vehicle can bring about substantial savings, not just in the rental cost but also in terms of fuel efficiency. This is especially important in places with high gas prices or for longer trips where fuel costs can add up quickly.

Why Economy Cars Make Sense

Economy cars generally offer the lowest per-day rental rates and boast excellent fuel efficiency, meaning you'll spend less on gas during your trip. These smaller vehicles are also easier to maneuver and park, particularly in crowded urban settings or narrow roads.

Going Electric for More Savings

In addition to traditional economy cars, consider opting for an electric car in Dakar. While the per-day rental rate for an electric car may be slightly higher, the money you'll save on fuel can more than compensate for this. Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly common as rental options, and they offer the added benefit of reducing your carbon footprint.

Electric Car Price Example

An electric model like the VW E-Vision might cost €65 per day to rent but could save you the entire fuel cost, especially if your lodging offers free electric vehicle charging or if you can find free public charging stations.

Additional Perks of Electric Cars

Driving an electric car can also grant you access to carpool lanes in some cities, even if you're the only person in the vehicle. This can save you time during your trip, which is another form of savings altogether.

By choosing an economy car in Dakar, and even better, an electric one, you're opting for a rental option that is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Always compare the total costs - rental rate plus estimated fuel costs - to determine the best option for your trip.

6. Check for Package Deals

Some travel sites feature all-inclusive packages with flights, accommodations, and car rentals, often resulting in substantial discounts.

7. Book the Smallest Car and Upgrade Later

Booking the smallest and least expensive car available is a strategy that might seem counterintuitive, especially if you desire a larger or more luxurious vehicle. However, this can be a clever way to save money and potentially enjoy a free upgrade.

How It Works

Car rental agencies typically have a limited inventory of small, economy cars since these are the most popular and frequently booked options. If you book the smallest car and the agency runs out of that class when you arrive, they are usually obligated to give you a free upgrade to the next available class. This means you could end up with a midsize car, or even a sedan, for the price of an economy car.

The Gamble Involved

It's important to note that this strategy is not a guarantee. You might arrive and find that small cars are indeed available. In that case, you'll get what you paid for, which is still a cost-effective option. However, the potential upside makes this a gamble worth considering for the budget-conscious traveler.

Best Practices for This Strategy

  1. Time Your Booking: This approach often works best during busy travel times when rental agencies are likely to run low on their most affordable options.
  2. Early Check-In: Try to check in as early as possible to improve your chances of getting an upgrade, as the most affordable cars are usually the first to go.
  3. Inquire Politely: When you arrive, it doesn't hurt to politely inquire about the possibility of an upgrade. Sometimes staff have the discretion to offer upgrades for a minimal additional fee, or even for free.
  4. Loyalty Programs: Being a member of the rental agency's loyalty program can also improve your chances of receiving an upgrade.
  5. Check for Specials: Sometimes agencies offer upgrade specials that are only a few dollars more per day than the economy car rate. If you're offered such a deal at the counter, it might be worth taking.

8. Double-Check Your Auto Insurance

Before immediately going for the insurance offered by the car rental company, take a moment to review your existing auto insurance policy. See if it provides coverage for rental cars. If your current policy does include this feature, you can comfortably forgo the extra cost of additional insurance from the rental agency. This simple check could potentially save you a significant sum.

9. Keep an Eye on Seasonal Promotions

Car rental agencies in Dakar frequently offer special promotional rates and discounts, particularly during holiday periods or low-demand seasons. To stay updated on these limited-time promotions, consider subscribing to their newsletters or regularly checking their websites. You can also follow them on social media platforms where they may announce exclusive deals.

Incorporating these strategies into your travel planning can substantially improve your chances of securing a great deal on your car rental. Being an informed and savvy consumer in this vibrant city can make a significant difference in managing your travel budget effectively.

10. Watch for Mileage Limits

When it comes to car rentals in Dakar, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the mileage limit imposed by rental companies. Failing to consider this could result in unexpected fees, making it vital to understand the mileage policy before you hit the road.

Understanding Mileage Policies

Car rental companies may offer different types of mileage policies, such as:

  1. Unlimited Mileage: You're free to drive as much as you want without incurring extra charges. However, these plans may be more expensive upfront.
  2. Daily Mileage Limit: A set number of miles are allowed per day, with additional fees for every mile exceeded.
  3. Total Trip Mileage: Some plans may provide a cumulative mileage limit for the entire rental period.

Hidden Costs of Exceeding Mileage Limits

The fees for exceeding mileage limits can be substantial. For example, you could be charged an additional $0.25 to $0.75 per km over the limit. If you exceed by 100 kilometers, that's an extra $25 to $75 you'll need to pay.

Inquire and Negotiate

Always ask about mileage policies when picking up the car. Sometimes you can negotiate a higher mileage limit for a small additional fee, which could be cheaper than paying per mile overage fees later on.

By being vigilant about mileage limits when renting a car in Dakar, you can avoid unwelcome surprises on your bill and enjoy a budget-friendly, stress-free experience.

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