Queenstown Car Rental

Queenstown Car Rental Up to -35%

What to Expect: Car Rental Rates for Various Models in Queenstown

Money Saving Tips for your Car Hire in Queenstown

If you're planning a trip to Queenstown, New Zealand, and considering hiring a car to explore the breathtaking landscapes and attractions, it's important to be smart about your expenses. Here are some money-saving tips to help you get the most out of your car hire experience while staying within your budget.

1. Book in Advance

One of the easiest ways to save money on car hire in Queenstown is to book in advance. As popular tourist destinations can have limited availability, booking ahead will not only secure you a vehicle, but you may also benefit from early bird discounts or special promotions offered by rental companies.

2. Compare Prices

Before making a final decision, take the time to compare prices from different car rental companies. By doing so, you can find the best deals and save significantly. Online travel agencies and comparison websites make it easy to compare prices and find the most competitive rates for car hire in Queenstown.

3. Consider Off-Peak Travel

If your travel dates are flexible, consider visiting Queenstown during off-peak seasons. Rental prices tend to be lower during these times, allowing you to make substantial savings on a car hire. Additionally, you'll also avoid crowds and enjoy a more peaceful experience while exploring the beautiful surroundings.

4. Choose the Right Vehicle

When selecting a car for hire, think about your needs and the type of terrain you'll be driving on. Opting for a smaller, fuel-efficient vehicle can save you money on fuel costs. If you're planning to venture off-road, consider a 4WD vehicle, which provides better traction and stability on rough terrain.

5. Check for Hidden Fees

Before finalizing your car hire booking, carefully read the terms and conditions and be aware of any potential hidden fees. Some companies may charge extra for additional drivers, young drivers, picking up or dropping off at different locations, or for adding extras like GPS or child seats. Understanding the fees in advance can help you avoid any unpleasant surprises.

6. Refuel Wisely

When it's time to refuel, avoid filling up at petrol stations near airports or highly touristic areas, as they typically have higher prices. Instead, drive a bit further away from these areas to find more affordable petrol stations. Also, be sure to return the car with a full tank to avoid any refueling charges imposed by the rental company.

7. Drive Responsibly

Driving responsibly not only keeps you safe but can also save you money. Avoid harsh acceleration and braking, as it can increase fuel consumption. Adhere to speed limits to avoid fines and penalties. Additionally, maintaining a steady speed on highways and using cruise control whenever possible can also help reduce fuel consumption, ultimately saving you money.

By following these money-saving tips, you can make your car hire experience in Queenstown more affordable without compromising on convenience or enjoyment. Start planning ahead and enjoy your journey through this picturesque destination.

Zero Emissions, Zero Hassle: Renting Electric Cars in Queenstown

Advantages of Electric Car Rental in Queenstown

Queenstown, known for its stunning scenery, is a popular tourist destination in New Zealand. With increasing concerns about the environment, electric car rental services have become more prevalent in the city. There are several advantages to opting for an electric vehicle (EV) for your next visit to Queenstown.

1. Environmental Benefits

One of the primary advantages of electric car rental is the positive impact on the environment. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which means they don't release harmful pollutants into the air like traditional gasoline-powered cars. By choosing electric vehicles, you can contribute to reducing air pollution and carbon emissions, helping to preserve the natural beauty of Queenstown and its surroundings.

2. Cost Savings

Electric vehicles tend to have lower running costs compared to traditional cars. A full charge of an EV can typically provide a longer driving range than a tank of gas. Furthermore, electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline, resulting in significant savings on fuel expenses. Additionally, EVs have fewer moving parts, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and repairs.

3. Enhanced Driving Experience

Electric cars offer a smoother, quieter, and more responsive driving experience. The instant torque provided by electric motors allows for quick acceleration, making it easier to navigate hilly terrain and mountainous roads. With their advanced technology, modern EVs often come equipped with features such as regenerative braking, advanced infotainment systems, and improved driving aids.

4. Availability of Charging Stations

Queenstown has a growing number of public charging stations, making it convenient for electric car users to recharge their vehicles. While range anxiety may be a concern for some, the presence of charging infrastructure in the city alleviates those worries. Many hotels and public areas also have charging facilities, allowing EV renters to recharge their vehicles while exploring the city.

When visiting Queenstown, consider the numerous advantages of electric car rental. By choosing an electric vehicle, you can enjoy a greener journey while exploring the breathtaking landscapes of this captivating destination.

Our advantages

24/7 support
24/7 support
Feel free to contact us 24/7 for any assistance you need.
Free cancellation
Free cancellation
You can modify or cancel your reservation up to 48 hours prior to pick-up.
No extra fees
No extra fees
There are no additional charges for making reservations.

Where to go on a Road Trip from Queenstown

Queenstown, located in the stunning Southern Alps of New Zealand, is an ideal starting point for an unforgettable road trip. With its picturesque landscapes, breathtaking mountain ranges, and crystal-clear lakes, the South Island offers endless possibilities for adventure and exploration. Here are some top destinations you can visit on a road trip from Queenstown.

Milford Sound

Considered one of the most beautiful places in New Zealand, Milford Sound is a must-see destination. The drive from Queenstown to Milford Sound is a scenic journey in itself, taking you through towering mountains, lush rainforests, and cascading waterfalls. Once there, take a boat cruise to marvel at the towering Mitre Peak and the stunning fjord landscapes. Don't forget your camera; you'll want to capture the beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Mount Cook

Venture north from Queenstown to discover the majestic Mount Cook, the highest peak in New Zealand. Known as Aoraki in Maori, this stunning mountain offers incredible hiking trails and breathtaking scenic flights. Enjoy the serenity of the alpine village, explore the Tasman Glacier, or take a guided tour to experience the magic of a star-filled night sky in the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve.


Head southeast from Queenstown to reach Dunedin, a vibrant city filled with Victorian and Edwardian architecture. Explore the historic buildings, such as the iconic Dunedin Railway Station, or visit the Otago Peninsula for a chance to spot seals, sea lions, and the rare yellow-eyed penguin. Nature enthusiasts can also take a tour to see the fascinating Royal Albatross Centre, where the majestic seabirds can be observed in their natural habitat.


A short drive from Queenstown, Wanaka is a charming town nestled on the shores of Lake Wanaka. Surrounded by mountains, it offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, and water sports. Take a scenic flight over the Southern Alps or visit the famous Wanaka Tree, an iconic lone willow standing strong in the middle of the lake. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a leisurely picnic on the lakefront as you soak in the breathtaking views.

Te Anau

Journeying south from Queenstown, you'll find yourself in the picturesque town of Te Anau, the gateway to Fiordland National Park. This charming lakeside town provides an excellent base for exploring the wonders of the region. Take a boat trip to the glowworm caves, embark on the famous Kepler Track, or simply enjoy leisurely walks along the lake and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.

No matter which direction you choose to head from Queenstown, a road trip through the South Island of New Zealand will undoubtedly leave you in awe of the natural beauty that awaits at every turn. So, hop in your car, hit the road, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Exploring Monthly Fluctuations in Car Rental Costs

Where to park your rental car in Queenstown

Queenstown, New Zealand, is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning landscapes and thrilling adventure activities. If you are visiting Queenstown and have rented a car, it's essential to know where to park to avoid any inconvenience or extra charges. Here are some options for parking your rental car in Queenstown:

1. On-street parking

Queenstown has various on-street parking options available. However, parking spaces can be limited in busy areas, especially during peak tourist seasons. Pay attention to parking signs and restrictions, as some areas may have time limits or require you to purchase a parking ticket from a nearby machine.

2. Off-street parking lots

Queenstown offers several off-street parking lots located conveniently near popular attractions and the town center. These parking lots often charge an hourly fee, so make sure to check their rates and payment options. It's advisable to book a parking spot in advance, especially during busy periods.

3. Hotel parking

If you are staying at a hotel in Queenstown, check if they provide parking facilities for guests. Some hotels offer free or discounted parking for their guests, which can be a convenient and secure option for your rental car.

4. Public transport

Consider using public transport options like buses or shuttles to explore Queenstown. This way, you won't have to worry about finding parking spaces, and you can enjoy the city's attractions without any hassle.

Remember to always follow the parking rules and be mindful of other drivers and pedestrians when parking your rental car in Queenstown. By planning ahead and choosing the right parking option, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free experience during your visit.

Thrifty Travel: Practical Tips for Saving on Car Rentals in Queenstown

1. Book in Advance

Booking your car rental far in advance is a straightforward but highly effective strategy for saving money. This becomes even more crucial in areas that are tourist hotspots, where the demand for rental cars often surges during high travel seasons. Reserving early allows you to secure a more economical rate and guarantees the availability of your preferred vehicle type.

The Benefits of Early Reservations

In Queenstown, several car rental agencies provide "early-bird" discounts to those who reserve their vehicles weeks or even months before their intended rental period. These special rates can result in substantial savings, sometimes reducing the cost by 20% to 30% compared to standard pricing. Early booking becomes exceptionally advantageous if you're traveling during high-demand seasons when prices are prone to inflate.

The Value of Being Flexible

Planning ahead not only saves you money but also offers the leeway to explore and compare rates among various providers. If you have flexible travel dates, you can align them with times when prices are more affordable, maximizing your savings even further.

R-TG.com: Your Ultimate Destination for Car Rental Deals

To find the most competitive rates, we recommend using our website, r-tg.com. The platform consolidates pricing information from multiple suppliers, offering you a comprehensive source for comparison. Our site often highlights exclusive early-bird discounts and other promotional deals you won't easily find elsewhere, making it a valuable tool for securing the most cost-effective car rental in Queenstown.

2. Compare Multiple Suppliers

One of the smartest tactics for saving money on car rentals in Queenstown is to cast a wide net and scrutinize prices from various providers. The landscape of car rental agencies is diverse, and the same type of car can have significantly different rental costs depending on the company.

The Significance of Rate Comparison

Let's say you're eyeing a compact vehicle like a Opel Astra. You might naturally gravitate toward household names such as sixt or budget. However, it's essential to broaden your scope and also take into account smaller, local firms. These community-based providers often feature competitive pricing strategies designed to attract customers from their larger rivals.

Sample Price Scenarios

For example, in Queenstown, a Opel Astra from sixt could have a daily rate of €23, which includes basic insurance coverage. Conversely, budget might list the same car model at €39 per day, but restrict the number of miles you can drive. Digging deeper, you could discover a local provider who offers the Opel Astra for a mere €14 per day—and without any mileage restrictions.

Investing the effort to weigh options from multiple providers allows you to pinpoint the deal that best aligns with your particular requirements. Whether you're most interested in economical daily fees, more comprehensive insurance, or added conveniences like complimentary GPS, doing a side-by-side comparison of providers can guide you to the most cost-efficient selection.

3. Use Discount Codes

Using discount codes can significantly reduce your car rental costs in Queenstown, offering you a chance to upgrade your vehicle class, extend your rental period, or simply save money. These promotional codes or coupons are not just for the savvy coupon-clipper; they are a mainstream and widely accepted practice in the car rental industry.

Types of Discounts

There's a wide array of discounts you might be eligible for. For instance, AAA members often enjoy reduced rates or additional perks like a free additional driver. Military personnel and their families can also benefit from special rates. Even holding a particular type of credit card could make you eligible for specific discounts or additional coverage. Always check what types of discounts you might be qualified for, as they can stack up and result in substantial savings.

Where to Find Codes

Discount codes can be found on a variety of platforms, including:

  1. The rental company’s own website
  2. Third-party travel deal websites
  3. Membership platforms like AAA
  4. Direct mailing lists
  5. Social media platforms, where car rental companies occasionally post special promo codes.

Caveats to Consider

While discount codes can offer significant savings, they may come with specific terms and conditions, like blackout dates or limited vehicle classes. Always read the fine print to ensure the discount applies to your specific rental needs.

4. Skip the Prepaid Fuel Option

The prepaid fuel option may look like an appealing convenience at first glance. After all, who wants to scramble to find a gas station right before dropping off a rental car? However, this convenience often comes at a premium, and choosing to refuel the car yourself can result in significant savings.

How Prepaid Fuel Works

When you opt for the prepaid fuel option, you're essentially paying for a full tank of gas at the rates offered by the rental company. This rate often includes a markup, making it more expensive than what you'd pay at a local gas station. Moreover, if you don't use up the entire tank, you usually won't get a refund for the unused fuel, leading to even more wastage.

Plan Ahead

It's wise to plan your refueling strategy in advance. Look up local gas stations near your drop-off location, and check their rates using apps or websites. Some mobile apps even offer real-time gas price comparisons, allowing you to find the cheapest rates near you.

Consider Your Itinerary

If you're not planning to drive much during your rental period, you might end up returning the car with a nearly full tank, making the prepaid fuel option an even less economical choice. Always consider your driving itinerary and needs when making this decision.

Time Versus Money

While skipping the prepaid fuel option can save money, it may require extra time and planning on your part. Weigh the cost savings against the value of your time to determine if it's worth the effort.

In summary, while the prepaid fuel option offers convenience, it often does so at a higher price. By doing some quick math and planning your fuel stops, you can save money and ensure you're getting the best deal on your car rental.

5. Opt for Economy Cars

Choosing an economy car over a larger, luxury vehicle can bring about substantial savings, not just in the rental cost but also in terms of fuel efficiency. This is especially important in places with high gas prices or for longer trips where fuel costs can add up quickly.

Why Economy Cars Make Sense

Economy cars generally offer the lowest per-day rental rates and boast excellent fuel efficiency, meaning you'll spend less on gas during your trip. These smaller vehicles are also easier to maneuver and park, particularly in crowded urban settings or narrow roads.

Going Electric for More Savings

In addition to traditional economy cars, consider opting for an electric car in Queenstown. While the per-day rental rate for an electric car may be slightly higher, the money you'll save on fuel can more than compensate for this. Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly common as rental options, and they offer the added benefit of reducing your carbon footprint.

Electric Car Price Example

An electric model like the Hyundai Ioniq might cost €33 per day to rent but could save you the entire fuel cost, especially if your lodging offers free electric vehicle charging or if you can find free public charging stations.

Additional Perks of Electric Cars

Driving an electric car can also grant you access to carpool lanes in some cities, even if you're the only person in the vehicle. This can save you time during your trip, which is another form of savings altogether.

By choosing an economy car in Queenstown, and even better, an electric one, you're opting for a rental option that is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Always compare the total costs - rental rate plus estimated fuel costs - to determine the best option for your trip.

6. Check for Package Deals

Some travel sites feature all-inclusive packages with flights, accommodations, and car rentals, often resulting in substantial discounts.

7. Book the Smallest Car and Upgrade Later

Booking the smallest and least expensive car available is a strategy that might seem counterintuitive, especially if you desire a larger or more luxurious vehicle. However, this can be a clever way to save money and potentially enjoy a free upgrade.

How It Works

Car rental agencies typically have a limited inventory of small, economy cars since these are the most popular and frequently booked options. If you book the smallest car and the agency runs out of that class when you arrive, they are usually obligated to give you a free upgrade to the next available class. This means you could end up with a midsize car, or even a sedan, for the price of an economy car.

The Gamble Involved

It's important to note that this strategy is not a guarantee. You might arrive and find that small cars are indeed available. In that case, you'll get what you paid for, which is still a cost-effective option. However, the potential upside makes this a gamble worth considering for the budget-conscious traveler.

Best Practices for This Strategy

  1. Time Your Booking: This approach often works best during busy travel times when rental agencies are likely to run low on their most affordable options.
  2. Early Check-In: Try to check in as early as possible to improve your chances of getting an upgrade, as the most affordable cars are usually the first to go.
  3. Inquire Politely: When you arrive, it doesn't hurt to politely inquire about the possibility of an upgrade. Sometimes staff have the discretion to offer upgrades for a minimal additional fee, or even for free.
  4. Loyalty Programs: Being a member of the rental agency's loyalty program can also improve your chances of receiving an upgrade.
  5. Check for Specials: Sometimes agencies offer upgrade specials that are only a few dollars more per day than the economy car rate. If you're offered such a deal at the counter, it might be worth taking.

8. Double-Check Your Auto Insurance

Before opting for the rental company’s insurance, check your own auto insurance policy to see if it covers rentals. If it does, you can skip the additional charge.

9. Keep an Eye on Seasonal Promotions

Car hire services in Queenstown regularly roll out special offers, notably during holidays or off-peak times. For the latest on these short-term deals, you might want to subscribe to their mailing lists or consistently monitor their websites. They may also unveil exclusive promotions on their social media channels.

Implementing these pointers into your travel plans can greatly boost your odds of landing an affordable car rental deal. In a city as dynamic as this, being a resourceful consumer can make all the difference in optimizing your travel budget.

10. Watch for Mileage Limits

When it comes to car rentals in Queenstown, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the mileage limit imposed by rental companies. Failing to consider this could result in unexpected fees, making it vital to understand the mileage policy before you hit the road.

Understanding Mileage Policies

Car rental companies may offer different types of mileage policies, such as:

  1. Unlimited Mileage: You're free to drive as much as you want without incurring extra charges. However, these plans may be more expensive upfront.
  2. Daily Mileage Limit: A set number of miles are allowed per day, with additional fees for every mile exceeded.
  3. Total Trip Mileage: Some plans may provide a cumulative mileage limit for the entire rental period.

Hidden Costs of Exceeding Mileage Limits

The fees for exceeding mileage limits can be substantial. For example, you could be charged an additional $0.25 to $0.75 per km over the limit. If you exceed by 100 kilometers, that's an extra $25 to $75 you'll need to pay.

Inquire and Negotiate

Always ask about mileage policies when picking up the car. Sometimes you can negotiate a higher mileage limit for a small additional fee, which could be cheaper than paying per mile overage fees later on.

By being vigilant about mileage limits when renting a car in Queenstown, you can avoid unwelcome surprises on your bill and enjoy a budget-friendly, stress-free experience.

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