Cheap car hire in Costa Rica

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Cheap car hire in Costa Rica Up to -35%

What to Expect: Car Rental Rates for Various Models in Costa Rica

All you need to know about renting a Car in Costa Rica

If you're planning a trip to Costa Rica and want the freedom to explore the country at your own pace, renting a car is a great option. With a rental car, you can visit remote beaches, navigate winding mountain roads, and experience the natural wonders of this beautiful country.

When it comes to renting a car in Costa Rica, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here's all you need to know:

Booking a Rental Car

There are several options available for booking a rental car in Costa Rica. One of the easiest ways to find the best deal is by using a car hire comparison service like This platform enables you to compare prices, rental terms, and conditions from various trusted car rental companies in Costa Rica, saving you time and money. offers a wide range of options for car rentals in Costa Rica, from economy cars to SUVs and even luxury vehicles. By using their comparison service, you can easily find the best rental car that suits your needs and budget.

Driving in Costa Rica

Driving in Costa Rica can be an exciting adventure, but it's important to keep in mind a few things before hitting the road:

1. Road Conditions: Road conditions in Costa Rica can vary, especially if you're planning to explore the more remote areas of the country. While major highways are generally well-maintained, some secondary roads can be challenging with potholes, unpaved sections, and steep gradients. It's advisable to choose a car that is suitable for the terrain you plan to navigate.

2. Navigation: GPS systems are recommended for navigating the roads in Costa Rica, as road signage can be limited in some areas. You can choose to rent a GPS device along with your car rental or use a navigation app on your smartphone.

3. Traffic Laws: It's important to familiarize yourself with Costa Rica's traffic laws before driving. For example, the speed limit is generally 80 km/h on highways and 40 km/h in urban areas. Additionally, Costa Rica has a law requiring drivers to always carry their passport and driver's license while operating a vehicle.

Rental Car Insurance in Costa Rica

When renting a car in Costa Rica, it's crucial to have the right insurance coverage to protect yourself and the vehicle in case of any unexpected incidents. Most car rental companies in Costa Rica offer different insurance options, including:

1. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW): This insurance option covers damages to the rental car in case of an accident. It typically comes with a deductible that you would be responsible for paying in case of a claim.

2. Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI): SLI provides additional liability coverage above the minimum required by law. It's recommended to have this coverage to ensure you are adequately protected.

3. Personal Accident Insurance (PAI): PAI provides coverage for medical expenses and personal accidents that may occur during the rental period.

It's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage offered by the car rental companies and understand what is included in each policy.

Returning the Rental Car

When returning your rental car, make sure to follow the specific instructions given by the car rental company. This usually involves filling up the gas tank to the same level as when you received the car and returning it on the agreed-upon date and time. Most rental companies will conduct a quick inspection to check for any damages, so it's advisable to return the car in the same condition as when you picked it up.

By following these tips and using a car hire comparison service like, you can easily find the best rental car in Costa Rica and enjoy a seamless and memorable trip.

Electric Car Rental Options in Costa Rica

Advantages of Electric Car Rental in Costa Rica

Costa Rica, known for its stunning natural landscapes and commitment to environmental sustainability, is the perfect destination to experience the advantages of electric car rental. Embracing electric transportation not only allows travelers to explore the country's breathtaking beauty but also promotes ecological responsibility. Here are some of the key advantages of renting electric cars in Costa Rica:

1. Environmental Sustainability

When you choose to rent an electric car in Costa Rica, you are contributing to the conservation of the country's pristine ecosystems. Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change. By opting for electric transportation, you can explore the captivating landscapes of Costa Rica while minimizing harm to the environment.

2. Cost Savings

Renting an electric car can lead to significant cost savings during your trip to Costa Rica. Unlike traditional gasoline vehicles, electric cars have lower operating costs and require less maintenance. Additionally, the cost of electricity is generally lower than that of gasoline, providing further savings. By choosing electric car rental, you can allocate more of your budget towards experiencing the rich culture and attractions of Costa Rica.

3. Enhanced Driving Experience

Electric cars offer a smooth and quiet driving experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Costa Rica without the distractions of engine noise. The instant torque provided by electric motors results in quick acceleration, making it easier to navigate the country's varied terrain. Enjoy a serene and enjoyable journey as you traverse Costa Rica's winding roads and encounter its diverse wildlife.

4. Availability of Charging Stations

Costa Rica provides an extensive network of charging stations, making it convenient to charge your rented electric car. From major cities to popular tourist destinations, you will find charging infrastructure readily available. This ensures that you can explore even the most remote areas of the country confidently, knowing that you can recharge your vehicle wherever necessary.

5. Promotion of Green Tourism

By renting an electric car in Costa Rica, you are supporting and promoting green tourism initiatives. The country has a strong commitment to sustainability and ecotourism, and choosing electric transportation aligns with these values. You can be part of a movement that prioritizes responsible travel and contributes to the preservation of Costa Rica's natural wonders.

Embrace the advantages of electric car rental in Costa Rica and embark on a journey that combines exploration with environmental consciousness. By opting for electric transportation, you can enjoy a cost-effective and sustainable travel experience, all while reveling in the unspoiled beauty of this Central American paradise.

Our advantages

24/7 support
24/7 support
Feel free to contact us 24/7 for any assistance you need.
Free cancellation
Free cancellation
You can modify or cancel your reservation up to 48 hours prior to pick-up.
No extra fees
No extra fees
There are no additional charges for making reservations.

Most Popular Car Rental Pick-Up Points in Costa Rica

Top Cities and Places to Visit in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a beautiful country located in Central America. It is known for its rich biodiversity, stunning beaches, and adventure tourism. Here are some of the top cities and places to visit in Costa Rica:

San José

The capital city of Costa Rica, San José, is a vibrant urban hub. It offers a blend of traditional and modern attractions. Visit the Central Bank Museum to explore the country's history and culture. Don't miss the beautiful National Theatre, a stunning architectural masterpiece.

Arenal Volcano National Park

Arenal Volcano National Park is a must-visit destination for nature and adventure enthusiasts. It is home to the impressive Arenal Volcano, which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Explore the various hiking trails in the park, take a dip in the hot springs, or enjoy activities such as zip-lining and white-water rafting.

Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve is a paradise for nature lovers. It is famous for its lush green forests, diverse wildlife, and breathtaking views. Take a canopy tour to experience the forest from above, or go on a guided hike to discover the unique flora and fauna.

Manuel Antonio National Park

Manuel Antonio National Park is renowned for its stunning beaches and abundant wildlife. Relax on the pristine white sands and enjoy the crystal-clear waters. Keep an eye out for playful monkeys, colorful birds, and curious lizards that inhabit the park.

Tortuguero National Park

Tortuguero National Park is a remote and secluded destination accessible only by boat or airplane. It is a haven for sea turtles, especially the endangered green turtles. Visit during nesting season for a chance to witness the incredible nesting and hatching process.


Jacó is a popular beach town known for its incredible surf breaks. It offers a vibrant nightlife, delicious cuisine, and a range of water activities. Take a surf lesson, go sport fishing, or simply relax on the sandy shores.

La Fortuna

La Fortuna is a charming town located near the Arenal Volcano. It is a great base for exploring the surrounding natural wonders. Enjoy the view of the volcano while soaking in the Tabacón Hot Springs, or go on a thrilling canopy tour through the rainforest.


Montezuma is a bohemian beach town known for its laid-back atmosphere. It is a haven for artists, musicians, and adventurers. Explore the hidden waterfalls, snorkel in the crystal-clear waters, or simply unwind on the pristine beaches.


Puntarenas is a bustling coastal city that offers a glimpse into the daily life of locals. Stroll along the Paseo de los Turistas, a vibrant promenade lined with restaurants and shops. Take a boat tour to the nearby Isla Tortuga for a day of snorkeling, swimming, and sunbathing.

Exploring Monthly Fluctuations in Car Rental Costs

One-way Car Rentals in Costa Rica

If you are planning a trip to Costa Rica, renting a car can be a great option to explore the country's stunning landscapes and picturesque towns at your own pace. One-way car rentals provide even more flexibility, as they allow you to pick up your rental car at one location and drop it off at another.

Costa Rica, with its diverse terrain and abundant nature, offers countless opportunities for road trips that will leave you in awe. From the beautiful beaches of the Pacific coast to the lush rainforests of the interior, there is so much to discover. One-way car rentals enable you to design your ideal itinerary without having to backtrack or spend unnecessary time returning the car to the same location.

Whether you want to start your journey in the bustling capital of San Jose and end it in the vibrant beach town of Tamarindo, or explore the mystical cloud forests of Monteverde before arriving at the pristine beaches of Manuel Antonio, a one-way car rental allows you to do so with ease.

It is important to note that one-way car rentals typically come with an additional fee due to the logistics involved in returning the vehicle to its original location. However, the convenience and freedom they offer often outweigh the extra cost.

When planning your trip, be sure to compare prices and options from different car rental companies to find the best deal. Additionally, check if there are any restrictions or specific drop-off requirements for one-way rentals.

With a one-way car rental in Costa Rica, you can embark on an unforgettable adventure, exploring the country's natural wonders and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions: Car Rental in Costa Rica

1. Do I need an international driver's license to rent a car in Costa Rica?

No, you can use your valid driver's license from your home country to rent a car in Costa Rica.

2. What is the minimum age to rent a car in Costa Rica?

The minimum age is usually 21 years old, but some car rental companies may require drivers to be 25 or older. Additional fees may apply for younger drivers.

3. What documents do I need to rent a car in Costa Rica?

You will need a valid driver's license, a passport or ID card, and a credit card in the main driver's name. Some companies may also require an additional form of identification.

4. Should I buy additional insurance when renting a car in Costa Rica?

It is recommended to purchase additional insurance, such as collision damage waiver (CDW) and theft protection, as most basic insurance plans have limited coverage. Check with your rental company for available options.

5. What type of fuel is used in Costa Rica and how much does it cost?

Costa Rica primarily uses regular unleaded gasoline (called "super" locally). As for the cost, it varies but is generally higher than in the United States or Canada.

6. Can I rent a car in Costa Rica and drive to other countries?

Some rental companies allow you to drive to neighboring countries like Nicaragua or Panama, but additional fees and requirements may apply. Make sure to check this with your rental company beforehand.

7. Are there any road tolls in Costa Rica?

Yes, there are several toll roads in Costa Rica. Most tolls are paid in cash, but some accept credit cards. Make sure to carry local currency with you.

8. Do I need a 4x4 vehicle to explore Costa Rica?

It depends on your travel plans. While many popular tourist destinations can be reached with a regular car, some remote areas and mountainous regions may require a 4x4 vehicle for better access.

9. Are there any specific traffic laws I should be aware of in Costa Rica?

Yes, a few important traffic laws in Costa Rica include: respecting speed limits (often lower than in other countries), wearing seat belts, not using a cellphone while driving, and not overtaking on solid yellow lines.

10. Can I return the car at a different location than where I picked it up?

Some car rental companies offer the option to drop off the car at a different location. However, additional fees may apply. Make sure to confirm this option with your rental company in advance.

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